Por vezes temos o privilégio de ouvir ou descobrir uma música no dia certo.
Ouvimo-la e no mesmo instante chega à nossa alma.
Rasga o interior e acerta o passo conosco sem qualquer esforço.
E ali ficamos numa dança quase perfeita.
Hoje foi assim.
a little sparrow is serenading me
brand new melodies, songs so sweet
the roses' aroma is flying in the breeze
i close my eyes, breathe in deep
yesterday is gone
today i can see, o today i can see
my, my, my, for the very first time
i waved goodbye, bye, bye
to what used to weight me down
my, my, my everything’s alright
the sun is shining down
i’m looking all around
and this is just so beautiful
i felt forgiveness in the deep recesses of my soul
i was so empty, now i’m full, i'm whole
the world is cold and so very, very cruel
but the sparrows and the roses remind me there’s still so much good